Our horizontal packaging machines in circular format for pre-made pouches are equipement of high capacity and versatility.
Prepared to pack all kinds of products in a multitude of bag formats. Cost-effective and easy to use. Due to its design and configuration they allow the format change to be made quickly. By not working with film in coil, we can feed the machine with the number of bags needed at any time.
The possibilities and configurations are as many as the client requires. From small volume envelopes to bags with a doy-pack finish.
Among the different models, we find various machine sizes, from eight to twelve stations arranged circularly.
Our equipment is made with the highest quality materials and comes with two possible finishes, stainless steel or coated with three layers of paint to provide protection against water or dust.
As an example of the products to be packed, we find various groups:
- Powder
- Granulates
- Cosmetics
- Liquids, sauces and concentrates
Pre-made bags that you can use:
- Laminate with interior or exterior heat-sealable
- Complex
- Polypropylene
- Polyethylene (high or low density).